I work in Canva. It's a design program with great flexibility to collaborate as designer-to-DIYer. Free plans make it a no-brainer for most small businesses.
common projects
1:1 Training & Support
Learn how to design professional-looking marketing materials with Canva.
$160/1-hr session
Brand Adaptation & Training
Create a Canva system with your existing brand style so that you can create what you need when you need it. 1 Flyer + 3 Social Media Templates.
Social Media Templates
Series of 3 social media templates.
1-Page Design
Flyers, postcards, handouts, posters, menu, etc. Your 1-page marketing need, done.
with copy, colors & direction provided: $300
1-page design + content: $460
Logo & Color Palette
Logo, color palette & brand guide
There’s so much that can be done with Canva. Let’s make something!
2-hour minimum
P.S. I also do Email templates in Mailchimp, Constant Contact & Squarespace
Template set-up based on first newsletter/email need with existing brand style.
$800 - Mailchimp & Constant Contact
$500 - Squarespace Campaigns, as addition to Squarespace 7.1 Website
trailblazer rate
I encounter so many amazing businesses that are non-profits, educators or just starting out. I am so impressed with what many of you offer your communities and realize that every little bit can help. So, inspired by my client, Rocket Improv, I’ve launched a TRAILBLAZER discount rate.
Get some visual inspiration. Peruse my work samples →